Print Internship Week 5

This week was all about research.

Last week I spent a lot of time helping other students with their transcriptions and giving feedback. There was a break in that this week so I was able to work on some of the Linked Open Data content.

On Tuesday, I met with the PRINT team to discuss what we worked on the week before and what we plan on working on next.  I always love this time of the week because it really is a great team environment where we figure out how to help each other and give any insight, guidance, or just general support.  It is also nice to be able to interact with people during Covid when I pretty much only talk to my two-year old.  I relayed my action plan for the week– to look through the Quaker meeting minutes I found last semester in and just try and find mention of some of the historical figures we work with and research.  Dr. Beiler recommended starting with some meeting minutes and marriage records that she uploaded to the group zoterro account which jogged my memory of some other historical sources that I found last semester like the will of Phineas Pemberton, one of the patriarchs that we are researching.

From there I began working through these sources.  I found certain people that attended weddings and signed as witnesses.  Some background, Quakers didn’t have what we would consider traditional wedding ceremonies in a church in front of a clergy because they didn’t really believe in the clergy.  They would discuss their marriages at monthly meetings (the minutes of which I referenced above), receive a certificate of marriage, then they would go through a investigation to make sure that they were not married and a good fit. Then they would marry in front of friends, family, and respected members within the community.

At the time of writing this blog I am working on transcribing Phineas’s will.  He has an interesting script so it is a feat to tackle.

This week we offered the students workshops by appointment if they needed it because only one person showed up to the last one.  As far as I was told, no one reached out to meet with me, although they may have met with Dr. Beiler. Friday evening, the next set of transcriptions for Dr. Beiler’s class is due, so next week I will be going through and correcting and giving feedback.  That will most likely take up all my week and I figure there will probably be a meeting with Dr. Beiler as well to go over the corrections before I begin sending the students some feedback.

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